Agora Market: Become globally free! - Your Marketplace for International Law Firms and Agencies
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VAT/GST rate
13.00 %
Personal income tax rate
45.00 %
Capital gains tax rate
25.00 %
Investment income tax rate
25.00 %
About this jurisdiction
Dual citizenship not allowed
Well-connected airport
No required civil service
Low cost of living
Low crime rate
No required military service
Banking and financial hub
Thin Capitalisation Rules
Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI)
Common Reporting Standards (CRS)
Tax Information Exchange Agreements
TIEA with Argentina
TIEA with The Bahamas
Visa-free travel to Albania
Visa-free travel to Antigua and Barbuda
Visa-free travel to Azerbaijan
Visa-free travel to Bangladesh
Visa-free travel to Belarus
Visa-free travel to Andorra
Visa-free travel to Armenia
Visa-free travel to Bahrain
Visa-free travel to Barbados
Visa-free travel to Benin
Visa-free travel to Bolivia
Visa-free travel to Brunei
Visa-free travel to Cape Verde
Visa-free travel to Dominica
Visa-free travel to Ecuador
Visa-free travel to Ethiopia
Visa-free travel to Gabon
Visa-free travel to Guinea-Bissau
Visa-free travel to Indonesia
Visa-free travel to Iraq
Visa-free travel to Jordan
Visa-free travel to Kenya
Visa-free travel to Lebanon
Visa-free travel to Malawi
Visa-free travel to Mauritania
Visa-free travel to Micronesia
Visa-free travel to Mozambique
Visa-free travel to Nepal
Visa-free travel to Palau
Visa-free travel to Rwanda
Visa-free travel to Saint Lucia
Visa-free travel to San Marino
Visa-free travel to Saudi Arabia
Visa-free travel to Serbia
Visa-free travel to Sierra Leone
Visa-free travel to Suriname
Visa-free travel to Thailand
Visa-free travel to Togo
Visa-free travel to Tunisia
Visa-free travel to Uganda
Visa-free travel to Uzbekistan
Visa-free travel to Zimbabwe
Visa-free travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Visa-free travel to Cambodia
Visa-free travel to Comoros
Visa-free travel to East Timor
Visa-free travel to Egypt
Visa-free travel to Fiji
Visa-free travel to Grenada
Visa-free travel to Haiti
Visa-free travel to Iran
Visa-free travel to Jamaica
Visa-free travel to Kazakhstan
Visa-free travel to Laos
Visa-free travel to Madagascar
Visa-free travel to Maldives
Visa-free travel to Mauritius
Visa-free travel to Morocco
Visa-free travel to Myanmar
Visa-free travel to Oman
Visa-free travel to Qatar
Visa-free travel to Saint Kitts and Nevis
Visa-free travel to Samoa
Visa-free travel to São Tomé and Príncipe
Visa-free travel to Senegal
Visa-free travel to Seychelles
Visa-free travel to Somalia
Visa-free travel to Tanzania
Visa-free travel to The Bahamas
Visa-free travel to Tonga
Visa-free travel to Tuvalu
Visa-free travel to United Arab Emirates
Visa-free travel to Vanuatu
Show all
Legal basis
Civil law
Residence-based taxation
No inheritance tax
Tax Incentives
No transfer tax
No net worth tax
Taxation of local income
Taxes local income of nonresident individuals
Taxes local income of resident foreigners
Taxes local income of resident citizens
Taxation of foreign income
Taxes foreign income of resident citizens
Taxes foreign income of resident foreigners